Citizens United

Results: 6631

991Sustainable building / Federal assistance in the United States / Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program / United States Department of Health and Human Services / Energy industry / Weatherization / Energy conservation / Energy policy of the United States / Electricity sector of the United States / Energy / Technology / Energy economics

Citizens Newsletter[removed]indd

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Language: English - Date: 2009-12-02 15:48:30
992Independent expenditure / Political action committee / Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission / DISCLOSE Act / Buckley v. Valeo / Campaign finance evolution / Campaign finance reform in the United States / Federal Election Commission / Politics / Lobbying in the United States

DISCLOSURE OF INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURES PUBLIC HEARING — MARCH 10, 2011 New York City Campaign Finance Board New York City’s landmark Campaign Finance Program has long been a model for reform. Reasonable

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Language: English - Date: 2011-03-01 10:38:01
993Crime prevention / Brazilian Institute of Public Opinion and Statistics / Surveillance / Zogby / Closed-circuit television / Physical security / Parking lot / National Security Agency / Security / National security / Public safety

Industry Pulse DataBank Accepting Video Surveillance in Public Places While the specter of Big Brother remains a concern for many citizens across the United States, results from a recent survey suggest the use of video

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Language: English - Date: 2011-06-07 17:51:22
994Political economy / Taxation in the United States / Income tax in the United States / Tax / Income tax / Sales tax / State income tax / Property tax in the United States / Taxation history of the United States / Taxation / State taxation in the United States / Public economics

B Y R O B E R T TA N N E N W A L D P H OT O G R A P H S B Y M A R Y K O C O L Daniel Webster, one of New Hampshire’s most famous citizens, once declared, “There is nothing so powerful as truth.” For over 50 years,

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Language: English - Date: 2003-07-28 17:06:56
995Flag Day / National flag / Independence Day / Culture / United States / American studies / National Airborne Day / National Catfish Day / Holidays in the United States / Flags of the United States / Vexillology

120 STAT[removed]PROCLAMATION 8028—JUNE 5, 2006 courage all our citizens to observe this week with appropriate programs and activities.

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Language: English - Date: 2013-06-04 16:32:49
996Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America / Economy of the United States / Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights / Book:Citizens United / AFL–CIO / AFL–CIO / Trade unions in the United States

PAC Table 4c Top 50 Labor PACs by Contributions to Candidates and Other Committees January 1, [removed]March 31, 1990 Rank 1 2

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Language: English - Date: 2013-11-27 11:57:41
997Buckley v. Valeo / Federal Election Campaign Act / Randall v. Sorrell / Davis v. Federal Election Commission / Political action committee / Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission / Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act / Campaign finance evolution / Campaign finance in the United States / Federal Election Commission / Politics / Elections in the United States

Microsoft Word[removed]James v FEC

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Language: English - Date: 2013-11-27 11:44:20
998Private law / Law / Business law / Corporate governance / SEC filings / Proxy statement / Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission / Board of directors / Institutional investor / Corporations law / Business / Management

Microsoft Word[removed]SEC Petition.doc

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Language: English - Date: 2011-08-04 09:06:42
999American Federation of Teachers / American Federation of State /  County and Municipal Employees / Political action committee / Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights / Book:Citizens United / AFL–CIO / Trade unions in the United States / Politics

PAC Table 4b Top 50 Labor PACs by Disbursements January 1, [removed]March 31, 1990 Rank ID # 1 C00032979

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Language: English - Date: 2013-11-27 11:57:42
1000National Airborne Day / National Catfish Day / Caribbean / American / Holidays in the United States

120 STAT[removed]PROCLAMATION 8028—JUNE 5, 2006 courage all our citizens to observe this week with appropriate programs and activities.

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Language: English - Date: 2013-06-04 16:32:52